I retired from an international live painting career after eleven years in February 2020, not knowing at the time I soon would not have shows to paint at anyhow. this painting, "My Bright Companions," began at the Diverse Intelligences Summer Institute (DISI), a sadly-remote-because-otherwise-in-Scotland(!) intellectual adventure that patched the hole where festivals once lived, and which has yielded many other blessings such as meeting C. Thi Nguyen (and so many blessings more to ripen). But the painting sat unfinished in my office for six months, and so I knew I had to do the damn old thing and wrench myself out into public to complete it. Luckily, I had booked my first live concert since COVID started opening for electroacoustic harpist Mary Lattimore...since she and her other opener Walt McClements were both so appropriate to futuristic weirdo psychedelic oceanic wonder, I said yes and made a brief return to finish the piece. And here we are.
• Posters: signed print on 11"x17" glossy 100 lb. cardstock, shipped in a plastic bag with cardboard backing.